Law Firm of Attorney-at-Law
PhD Artur Kokoszkiewicz

Law Firm of Attorney-at-Law

PhD Artur Kokoszkiewicz

We believe that law is an art. Invite You to familiarize yourself with the offer of the Law Firm based on knowledge, experience and quality.

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We believe that law is an art. Invite You to familiarize yourself with the offer of the Law Firm based on knowledge, experience and quality.

About the Law Firm

The Law Firm has been operating on the Polish market for many years, providing comprehensive legal support to our Clients. Experience from the judiciary, the business sector, both local and global, experience from local government and non-governmental organizations, complemented by scientific and didactic practice – all this allowed us to build an offer based on knowledge and experience and, consequently, high quality of the services offered. In the activities of the Law Firm, we also focus on individualism and full understanding of the needs of each Client. We provide a wide range of customer support and the selection of the optimal solution according to the circumstances. We offer services at the office of the Law Firm, at the Client’s premises or another agreed location. We also provide representation before administrative authorities and courts.

The owner of the Law Firm is Attorney-at-law PhD Artur Kokoszkiewicz. Member of the Lublin Bar Association. He defended his doctorate at the Kozminski University in Warsaw, obtaining a doctorate in law. He is a graduate of two postgraduate studies (KUL) in the field of financial management and project accounting as well as in the field of legal negotiations and mediation, holds the Mediator Certificate of the Polish Mediation Center. In the years 2004-2007 he participated in American law studies organized by the Chicago Kent College of Law and the Catholic University of Lublin, obtaining a certificate of completion of the American Law Center.

In 2002-2007, he studied law at the Catholic University of Lublin. He is the author of several dozen publications, including monographs and scientific articles in the field of law. In 2017, as a visiting professor, he conducted a series of lectures on law at the American University of Bulgaria in Blagoevgrad, in 2018 at the Politecnico de Lisboa in Lisbon, in 2019 at the University of Split. He speaks English. He has a certificate of access to secret information / NATO Secret. A deserved honorary blood donor.

Comprehensive services

We provide Clients with extensive support at every stage of the case

Service in English

We offer Clients service or their business partners in English

Knowledge and experience

The services offered by the Law Firm are based on many years of experience and knowledge


The Law Firm specializes in administrative and economic law. Also provides comprehensive support in the Compliance sector, helping to implement effective solutions in Your business. We support negotiation processes, concluding contracts, agreements and settlements. We also provide comprehensive debt collection services, including economic intelligence and Due Diligence services. We offer support in the preparation of legal opinions, legal analyzes, preparation of documents and representation before common courts, administrative courts, administrative bodies, business and social partners. The law firm cooperates with recognized and effective attorneys-at-law, court bailiffs, debt collectors and lawyers from all over Poland. We provide service in English, and on special request also in other languages.

Business Law

We prepare, among others applications and lawsuits to common courts in matters related to Your business, we support the establishment and reorganization of companies, we help with company documentation, we prepare letters for co-workers and contractors. We provide representation before common courts, including the Supreme Court, and in matters of business contacts.


We support Compliance processes in Your business. We help to implement or modify anti-corruption and ethical solutions, we care for the compliance of internal regulations with applicable law and non-legal soft law principles. We assist in the verification of contractors by providing support for business intelligence and Due Diligence.


We support negotiations in Your business. We prepare negotiation analyzes and provide representation in negotiations with business or social partners.


We provide comprehensive debt collection, ranging from the pre-trial process and, for example, a request for payment of an unreliable contractor, to the preparation of a statement of claim, representation in court proceedings and finally in bailiff proceedings. We provide support in the field of business intelligence and Due Diligence.


We prepare draft contracts, give opinions on the projects you receive, indicate risk areas and desired changes. We provide representation in the process of negotiating contracts with both public and private partners.

Administrative law

We prepare, among others appeals, complaints against decisions, procedural motions, complaints to provincial administrative courts and cassation appeals to the Supreme Administrative Court. We provide representation in proceedings before administrative authorities and administrative courts. We perform analyzes and legal opinions in the field of administrative law. We indicate possible actions, estimating the risk and looking for the optimal solution for Your business.


The wide range of the Law Firm’s experience allows us to offer You the highest standard of services. The Law Firm operates for global business, the largest capital companies in Poland, local government units, partnerships, sole proprietorships and natural persons. The Law Firm’s experience includes, among others:

2009 - 2017

Member of the Local Government

Full-time Member of the Local Government Board of Appeal

Since 2008

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal “Law and Politic”.

Since 2015

full-time Academic Lecturer

full-time Academic Lecturer at the University of Entrepreneurship and Administration in Lublin.

From 2019

Business Compliance Department

attorney-at-law and Head of the Business Compliance Department at Wytwórnia Sprzetu Komunikacyjnego “PZL-Świdnik” S.A. belonging to the global concern Leonardo S.p.a.

And additionally, among others:

  • worked as an attorney at law in one of the largest Law Firm in the region,
  • was the president of the board of the European Entrepreneurship Foundation,
  • conducted training,
  • was the chairman of the supervisory board,
  • practiced in a leading tax and law firm.

Scientific activity


“Special tax solutions in the field of income of natural persons in the light of the abolition act of July 25, 2008”

Wiedza Prawnicza, No. 4/2009, Łódź 2009, pp. 31-36

“International double taxation in the light of the Convention between the Republic of Poland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland of July 20, 2006

Zeszyty Studenckie Circles of Financial Law, No. 1/2009, Uniwersytet Gdański, Gdańsk 2009, pp. 169-182

“Controversies in the application of the investment relief in agricultural tax in the light of the amendment to the Act on agricultural tax of December 6, 2008”

Casus, No. 56/2010, Krajowa Reprezentacja Samorządowych Kolegiów Odwoławczych, Kraków 2010, pp

“Introduction to international tax and legal relations”

Publishing House of the European Entrepreneurship Foundation, Kraków 2010, pp. 49

A polemic with the article by Ms Michalina Topolewska – “Who and how can apply for a nursing benefit”

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna of 16 May 2011, No. 93 (2979), website of the European Entrepreneurship Foundation,, 2011 , p. 9

“Proceedings in matters of benefits from the alimony fund in the event of the death of the alimony debtor”

Casus, No. 60/2011, Krajowa Reprezentacja Samorządowe Kolegiów Appeals, Kraków 2011, pp. 41-43

“Controversies in taxing fuel stations with real estate tax”

Review of local taxes and local government finances, No. 119/2011, Taxpress Publishing, Warsaw 2011, pp. 17-20 [co-author with W. Ługowski]

“Nursing benefit – the need for changes”

Law and Bond, No. 1/2012, Spółdzielczy Instytut Naukowy, Sopot 2012, pp. 58-64

“Tax liability arising in connection with the completion of construction”

Review of local taxes and local government finances, No. 137/2012, Taxpress Publishing, Warsaw 2012, pp. 6-9

“A Few Comments on Polish Social Welfare in the Aspect of Economic Analysis of Law”

Krytyka Praw. Independent law studies, volume VI, ALK Publishing House, Warsaw 2014, pp. 571-596

“Social welfare as a task of the state. Theoretical and legal study”

Wydawnictwo EFP, Lublin 2015, p. 308

“Fees for using communication stops or stations of local government units – practical problems. Commentary on the act on public road transport”

Lex Wolters Kluwer. Practical comments, Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2016, p. 10

“On the need for changes in the Polish social welfare system”

Samorząd Trezentialny, No. 4/2016, Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2016, pp. 27-44 / co-authored by mgr Urszula Wojtczak /

“The necessary scope of cooperation between the taxpayer and the tax authority for an objective resolution of a tax case. A partially critical gloss to the judgment of the Provincial Administrative Court in Kraków of February 17, 2016 (I SA / Kr 2011/15) “

Orzecznictwo w Sprawa Samorządowych, No. 3/2016, Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2016, pp. 120-127

“In search of the optimal model of the administrative process. Selected problems “

” 25 years of local government in Poland – a balance of experiences ” , UMCS Publishing House, Lublin 2016, ed. S. Michałowski, M. Sidor, J. Wasil

“Amicable settlement of cases in the Polish administrative process”

“Civil and commercial law in administration activities. Existing and designed solutions and de lege ferenda postulates “, Wydawnictwo WSPiA, Lublin 2017, ed. G. Kozieł, pp. 131-152

Report on a nationwide scientific conference entitled “Civil and commercial law in the activities of administration. State, interpretation and application ”

Law and Policy, No. 7/2016, Independence Foundation, Lublin 2017, pp. 193-196

“Implementation of private law institutions into public law on the example of the administrative procedure code – a remedy or a placebo?”

Criticism of the law. Independent law studies, Volume 9, No. 3/2017, Wydawnictwo Poltext, Warsaw 2017, pp. 89-103

Report on a nationwide scientific conference entitled “Civil and commercial law in the activities of administration. Tradition and modernity in legal institutions “

Lublin Scientific Society, Lublin, June 14, 2018, Law and Policy, No. 8/2018, Fundacja Niepodległości, Lublin 2018, pp. 198-203

„Tasks of the State and Role of Social Law in the Field of Social Welfare”

Socrates, Rīga Stradiņš University Faculty of Law Electronic Scientific Journal of Law, nr 2 (11) 2018, Riga 2018, s. 19-26

„The needs of the Polish Public Administration Sector versus Legal Education. Some remarks on Changes Relating to the Drafts of “Act 2.0” and the ‘University Apprenticeship’

Independent law studies, vol. 10, no. 2/2018, ALK Publishing House, Warsaw 2018, pp. 140-148

“Correct taxation with local taxes in the material and procedural aspect of the entity conducting the mining activity. A partially critical gloss to the judgment of the Provincial Administrative Court in Kraków of 6 July 2017 (I SA / Kr 467/17) “

Orzecznictwo w Sprawa Samorządowych, No. 1 (98) / 2018, Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2018, pp. 104-116

“The downtown paid parking zone. Commentary on the act on public roads”

Lex Wolters Kluwer. Practical comments, Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2019, p. 14

“Charges for parking vehicles on public roads in the paid parking zone – practical problems. Commentary on the act on public roads”

Lex Wolters Kluwer. Practical comments, Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2016, pp. 10 (with update in 2019)

„Maritime Piracy and the Limitations of International Law of the Sea”

co-authored with M. Wallner, Historia i Polityka, No. 28 (35) / 2019, Scientific Publishers of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Toruń 2019, pp. 25-35

“Open shooting ranges – the normative scope and the practice of public administration. Gloss of approval to the judgment of the Provincial Administrative Court in Lublin of November 15, 2017, (III SA / Lu 216/17) “

co-authorship with P. Cioch, Orzecznictwo w Sprawach Samorządowych 3 (104) / 19, Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2019, p. 105-112

“Justice as a value in the modern state and law”

Law and Policy, No. 9/2019, Independence Foundation, Lublin 2019, pp. 14-22

Cities may already introduce higher parking fees. website operated by Wolters Kluwer (September 5, 2019)

Saturday is not a working day, which does not exclude paid parking. website operated by Wolters Kluwer (December 6, 2019)

Parking fees will increase – it will be easier to park, local governments will earn website operated by Wolters Kluwer (December 14, 2019)

„The institution of a whistleblower in the Polish legal system – meaning and perspectives in the area of public administration activities”

co-authorship with Ł. Bolesta, Prawo i Więź, nr 1 (31) / 2020, Spółdzielczy Instytut Naukowy, Sopot 2020, pp. 40-52

Local governments are unlikely to withdraw from the climate tax Kluwer (January 29, 2020)

The tsar’s revenge continues – the law of the land communities needs to be changed Kluwer (February 14, 2020)

Keeping official deadlines in quarantine is questionable, but there are possibilities. Not every official date can be reinstated due to the coronavirus Kluwer (March 17, 2020)

The right to waive an appeal against a decision should be clearly indicated Kluwer (April 4, 2020)

Mayors exempted parking fees – according to voivodes Kluwer (May 20, 2020)

Municipal guards are seeking to strengthen their status Kluwer (15 July 2020)

Municipal police advise about masks and distance, fines are questioned Kluwer (August 5, 2020)

PLN 1,200 for a second car – it is more and more difficult to park in cities Kluwer (October 16, 2020)

Money is worth its weight in gold, but it does not destroy obstacles in road construction Kluwer (January 7, 2021)

Discounts on tickets for plasma donors – sudden, unclear, expensive and without compensation Kluwer (February 2, 2021)

The abandoned scooter will be expensive for the owner, company and city Kluwer (May 1, 2021)

The reform of scholarships for students

Gazeta Prawna of March 24, 2021 is getting closer.

„Epidemical restrictions in the legal order – can we ignore an unfair law? Questions and consequences for business in EU”

„Is it Time for a Total Reset?”, red. Z. Nedelko, D. Borsic, University of Maribor Press, University of Maribor, Slovenia, Maribor 2021

Court: Help also for those studying longer

Rzeczpospolita, 11th August 2021

Rzeczpospolita, 7th January 2022


Law Firm of Attorney-at-Law PhD

Artur Kokoszkiewicz

tel. 881 182 224


ul. Słowackiego 25

20-461 Lublin, POLAND